About Me

ADVOCACY For Mental Health Services is the driving passion that guides Barbara Wilson’s everyday life.

Bachelor of Science:
   University of Nebraska Lincoln    1966
Masters of Social Work:     University of Nebraska  Lincoln   1970
Focus:    Community Mental Health

Barbara Wilson Ms. Wilson has experience working in various treatment settings including:

  • Adults with acute psychosis
  • Older Adults with Serious Mental Illness and/or neurological disorders
  • Women’s Maximum Security
  • Adolescents 
  • Children
  • Addiction Issues
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Therapeutic Community

While Ms. Wilson began her journey working in psychiatric hospital settings,  she helped to create the first Adult Day Treatment program in a major metropolitan area before transitioning to developing community-based programs both for people with SMI and Intellectually Disabled.

Following the gradual de-funding of public mental health, she became an outspoken mental health advocate for improving the quality and access to care. One of her areas of advocacy is  the need for affordable, safe housing for adults who suffer from various forms of Serious Mental Illness.  People who have SMI deserve to have a continuum of appropriate housing that supports their integration into having a life filled with meaning and purpose.  Additionally families deserve quality services that can address alternative housing options so that their loved ones can access appropriate community services.

To this end she has founded a not-for-profit organization,   mental health hook-up.org

Ms. Wilson is skilled in treating a wide variety of mental health disorders.  Many people have benefitted from consultations with her. She often locates additional resources to facilitate resolutions of situations which may have previously seemed intractable.  Additionally she continues to provide individual therapy, group therapy, and consultations to community organizations and businesses.

If you’re uncomfortable today, why not contact her for a consultation?

Please feel free to contact me!


27201 Tourney Rd Suite 225, Santa Clarita, CA 91355


Contact me to get started!




By appointment


By appointment


By appointment


By appointment


By appointment

